הרוח היא הרעיון, הבלתי מוחשי, המשמעות והסיפור שעוטף את החומר והחוייות בחיינו ...
ההגיון, התכנון, הדימיון. המנוע והתוצר של החשיבה הרציונאלית ...
הרגש הוא קוטב אנרגטי של התודעה. הזיכרון הרגשי והפרשנות הרגשית היא הבסיס לאינטואיציה ...
החומר ממנו אנו עשויים והביטוי הפיזי שלנו בעולם הביטוי הפיזי והחומרי של הדברים איתם אנחנו רואים ובאים במגע ...
ציר המהות נע בין הביטוי הפיזי של הדברים בחיינו לבין המשמעות הרעיונית שאנו מחייסים להם. ...
מה גורם לנו לעשות את מה שאנחנו עושים או לפעול כפי שאנו פועליo ...
הדבר אשר נועדנו לעשות. תחושת השליחות שמנחה את חיינו המשימה אשר משרתת את הדבר הגדול מאיתנו ...
יסוד אנרגטי המעניק לנו את תחושת הצדק ותמיכת השבט. האמת המוסכמת , נכונות הדברים על בסיס הקונצנזוס של הסביבה החיצונית ...
הרצון שלנו להגשים את עצמנו ולשרת את הפוטנציאל ולהביא לידי ביטוי האמת הפנימית. הרצון להישמע להיראות ולהיזכר ...
התפיסה העצמית שלנו דרכה אנו נוטים להתבונן על העולם ...
אהבה היא רגש המורכב והחזק בתודעה האנושית. הוא מבטא את התשוקה המשיכה האמונה והסקרנות יחד. ...
האמת היא הדבר הנכון. העובדתי. שאין עליו מחלוקת ושמייצג את הדברים נכוחה. ישנה אמת חברתית, אמת טבעית ואמת אישית וכו' ...
מרחב הזרימה הוא המצב שבו אתה נמצא באיזון מושלם, אינך נאבק וחווה זרימה נקייה המפרעות של אנרגיה המעניקה כוח יצירת מציאות ...
האושר מתייחס למצב בו רמת המתח בין הקטבים מאפשרת מצב יש לך מספיק ואין לך תשוקה או פחד להיות בסיטואציה אחרת ...
חופש: מהות הרוח האנושית . להיות משוחרר מכבלים בצורת התניות וחוסרים ...
כח עליון המספק תשובה לכל מה שאנו לא יודעים להסביר התשובה לכל מה שנסתר גדול מאיתנו ואינו מובן לנו ...
למה ובשביל מה כל זה ? מה התכלית? מה המשמעות של הדרים שאני רואה וחווה ...
מדרון אנרגטי המספק לנו מעמד, בטחון , חופש , כח ומענה לצורך בעוצמה ...
כח להוציא לפועל, להשפיע, להגן ולשמר ...
הפורקן המוחלט, העונג הצרוף , הרגש הפיזי והיעוד האבולוציוני ...
היסוד האנרגטי הרגשי. אנרגיה מתפרצת ...
אנרגיה החומרית הבסיסית לנפש וגוף האדם ...
יסוד אנרגטי חומרי פיזי. יצר החיים והקיום הוא היסוד הבסיסי ...
מרחב התודה הוא החוויה שלנו ביקום. פיזית ורוחנית והיא מתייחסת לכל מה שצברנו ועברנו ללא קשר למודעות שלנו. ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
החומר ממנו אנו עשויים והביטוי הפיזי שלנו בעולם הביטוי הפיזי והחומרי של הדברים איתם אנחנו רואים ובאים במגע ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...
The spirit, or idea, is the upper pole of the axis of essence and is the complementary of the body or the tangible ...